What we witnessed especially in 2024 all really started in the 2015 presidential race. The political race between Hillary Clinton (Ma Barker) and Donald J. Trump. And what was the planned outcome of that race and the associated political agenda as per the insiders within the Democrat party? "Fundamentally Transform America", Barak Hussein Obama told you so himself.
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Hillary Clinton (Ma Barker) was the next natural person in line to be installed and crowned in the presidency of the United States of America. And it was her and the Democrat party machine's vision that she would fully deliver America to the One World / E.U. styled / Globalist planet wide political structure. A true authoritarian utopian wet dream.
And how was that to be ensured into the future and forever? 1. Flood the America with illegal aliens invited by the Democrat president Joe Biden himself in order to skew and dominate the census as to the number of representatives in congress. And of course, to overwhelm the system with a welfare state forced to financially support these "NEW" "citizens" with taxpayer funds. Things don't get better than that when your political representatives become treasonous and make you pay for their treachery! And in addition, while dominating, perverting and corrupting the election system with these massive numbers of invaders and the drive to eliminate state electors as per the Constitution and the "electoral college" from the American political scene.
That basically is how the clearly radical and treasonous Democrat party leaders intended to in real terms to take over America in perpetuity. The Democrat operatives who are very organized and were run ruthlessly by a true believer like Nancy Pelosi who used her power like Genghis Khan and threatened any and all who dared to oppose the agenda would soon be put to political death by starving them of campaign money and primarying them. Thus, purging them from politics and political power. This was a very effective tactic, and all moderate Democrats lived in fear because they understood that Nancy was not playing titily winks, she played the game to win. They all saw the metaphorical political blood on the floor if any patriotic and common-sense American Democrat dared to resist.
Then came Trump and his 2015 electoral vote win: "At the US election held on 8 November 2016, Donald Trump won the Electoral College by 306 Electoral Votes (EVs), to 232 EVs for Hillary Clinton". And that was the moment that the Democrat party machine solidly decided that by any means necessary when they had political power the state elector model of determining who the president would be would have to be eliminated with extreme prejudice from our American election system.
And to be clear, the Founders understood the fundamental problem with a direct Democracy where 51 percent of voters get to tell 49 percent of the population how they will be living. You know where 3 wolves and a sheep vote on what's for dinner. Each state in our system apart from the total numerical results of an election have their sovereign say in who and what will be leading America. We in America by design live in a Democratic Republic.
And now we get to the extent of the Democrat party machines (And the RINO's IMO) treason.
Treason: Definition: "The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government:"
The installation of half black half white and all radical, Community Organizer (Read: Socialist, "I and my wife fundamentally hate America" Barak Hussein Obama (D) gave the radical movement within the Democrat party all the encouragement that they needed to go forbroke and look to "by any means necessary", their words, essentially gut, take over America and turn it into what you saw being installed from 2021 and the installation of the Biden / CCP Chinese controlled / "Woke" / "Progressive" Harris administration. Two by evidence incompetent and weak people who had no business even considering the positions that they found themselves inhabiting. They were both installed due to a convenient planet wide contagion conveniently released by accident or on purpose from a CCP Chinse controlled laboratory. And in the interests of a now desperate political party who found themselves without any true and viable leadership candidate. I believe that has been established as being so. Many lied and many died in the pursuit of absolute American political power and control.

And I remind you all of how I define politics: Politics is the dirtiest, filthiest most corrupt, most deadly activity that human beings participate in. And my conclusions about what drives the game are: WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON: STRATEGY OVER MORALITY
The treason best seen initially I would say with FBI head James Comey and his antics beyond his charge as the head of the FBI. His giving an unprecedented news conference essentially laying out why Hillary Clinton (Ma Barker) should be indicted for her security breaches and violations and her people physically destroying all communications devices and files with hammers related to the time she spent as Secretary of State while they were under subpoena. Or Mr. Comey's entrapping General Flynn and screwing the newly minted brand spanking new president of the United States. And that set the stage for what was within government itself and the narrative that was pushed hard by the politically aligned corporate media talking heads who were in the process of losing their minds at the prospect of a non-politician politician becoming president again. And the list is long: Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, late night comics, Schiff, Goldman, Nadler, AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Cheney, Fauci, George Soros, lawyers, judges, mayors, governors etc. You know the names both in politics and the media. All confabulators, conspiratorialists, fear mongers essentially promoting "THEIR" collective authoritarian world view agenda interpretation that you are supposed to live by. Exactly the opposite as proposed by the Founders of America.
And IMO some did it just because they were scared and dared not see or say anything other than what was expected of them. And some because they were scripted and controlled and fully on-board media / political drones. But some did it because they had the intension of fundamentally destroying America, its Constitution and your individual freedom and Rights. And I call that treason! There is a line.
So, what is going to be done about those Americans who went too far, way, way too far and over the line? Something rather than nothing I assure you. All based in evidence and not based in lawfare as we all saw being used over the last 4 years in America.
There is blood in the water, what about the political treason?
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 1/1/25
