If you have ever read anything that I attempt to communicate about history, politics, our country, our government, the Constitution and what it intends you will recall the words that I constantly reference: Globalism, the Elite, Socialism, Authoritarianism and the "progressive" radical Left in America and the world. And their love of the oppressive CCP Chinese Social Credit score model of "World Governance" and control. The authoritarian model of governance that the likes of Globalists George Soros and Klause Schwab prefer and fully embrace. And they both spend considerable time and money in attempting to make it so.
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I found this quick speech by an executive of A.I. tech company, Palantir, who lays it all out in such a pleasant and civilized understandable English manner. Palantir is the tip of the A.I. technology spear. Louis Mosely spoke at something called the ARC Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference. And he makes such a good presentation that I thought if you were confused about what is what in the real world, he might be able to get you to better understand. He hits all of the relevant points that I ramble on about.
Watch the video: Palantir's next move TERRIFIES the elite: Speech at the ARC Alliance by Louis Mosely, Executive Vice President, PALANTIR: https://youtu.be/TViuG1tj3Gk?si=Zb9lxqpukwJVA3-W 13 min.
(Reference: Opprobrium: Harsh criticism or censure. Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus: (born 519? bce) was a Roman statesman who gained fame for his selfless devotion to the republic in times of crisis and for giving up the reins of power when the crisis was over.)
The world because of A.I. technology is at a never before been realized existential fork in the road and the path that is chosen will either free human beings and make them more prosperous or further enslave human beings and keep them selectively oppressed and controlled like animals. And you MUST understand it all in the proper context.
America will lead the way now that the American people have strongly spoken and have chosen THEIR path and have strongly rejected the status quo which leads directly to an oppressive authoritarian do as you are told Orwellian future: LET THE RE FOUNDING OF AMERICA COMMENCE!
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 2/22/25
