Now you know who will without doubt be receiving this year's 2025 Nobel Peace Prize: Volodymyr Zelenski! Given the big "Trump is mean!" hug fest photo op in Britain with all of the weakest of the Leftist authoritarians IMO!

The international community as well as the EU and the Leftist Democrats in our own government and the elite Globalists that run the Nobel awards will insist that Zelenski is the recipient and NOT the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. 100%! They must deny Trump the honor (which I would suggest he refuse if offered it although he may in fact desire it).
You do remember that Barak Hussein Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts just breathing and of course his world apology tour. Not having one accomplishment regarding fostering peace in the world.
Just something to consider as Zelenski figures out how he gets himself back into the White House and finalizes the mining agreement that will save his and his entire country's bacon. Putin is not likely to go any further than he has if he is encroaching on Americas claimed mineral resources. And I believe that Vlad might also welcome the newly drawn Ukraine borders.
Trump by all rights should have already received the Nobel Prize for Peace but was denied. And he will be denied again, they just cannot allow him to have every success that he might seek. Even if he is without doubt well qualified and vetted to be the most deserving recipient.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 3/2/25
