I am listening to NPR and Brian Lehrer this morning and the conversation subject matter is: How Elon Musk and Howard Lutnick are out of touch with Social Security and their calling it a Ponzi scheme because they are billionaires.
The host and mostly his interviewee are going on about how both men pose a threat to everyday older Americans and them receiving their well-earned Social Security system checks that they have paid into for their entire working lives.
(Social Security Is a Legal Ponzi Scheme: Social Security Is a Legal Ponzi Scheme | Cato at Liberty Blog "Unlike a genuine savings account, where individual contributions accumulate and grow over time, Social Security’s structure is far more akin to a classic Ponzi scheme.") A Ponzi scheme by any other name is still a Ponzi scheme.
Then a caller calls in and I have to give credit to the NPR host he took the call, and the caller pointed out that: "Isn't there some validity to the argument that the Social Security system pays out more than is put in, you know, like a Ponzi scheme?". Which the host was forced to recognize as being valid. It is true; however, we are talking about the Federal government.
And the interviewee, Senator Andy Kim (D, NJ) totally just rolled over the valid question regarding the fact that the government mismanages the S.S. system and essentially creates a classic Ponzi scheme model. He went on to again point out and only focus on and steam rolled over the caller and promoted his approved party talking points that both Musk and Lutnick were billionaires and are unable to understand the issue essentially. It did not matter that what Musk said about the S.S. system was / is valid. You just cannot take out more than you put in, that is a mathematical FACT.
So, the popular Democrat strategic narrative is to ignore all rational conversation about what the Trump administration has been focusing on actually fixing the problem. And they are to just push the mind-numbing mantra that "Musk and Lutnick are billionaires and cannot understand anything about what they are involved in.". The AOC / Bernie Sanders Socialist fear mongering narrative. They have nothing else.
The Democrat party desperately needs that "Billionaire" / Us and THEM imagery to be fostered in the mind of the public in America. That is all the desperate and self-destructing Democrat party has at this moment in time.
This is the psyops and the political strategy that is being pumped out into the public airwaves by the NPR's of the world that are ONLY in support of the interests of the Democrat party machine agenda and that agenda is incompetent, un and anti-American and Socialist.
And I ask you: When you need something accomplished that is extremely difficult, complex and trillion dollars big, where do you find those people who are in any way qualified to actually identify and mediate and correct the situation? Do you find them living under a bridge out by the interstate highway?
Elon Musk is one of the founders of PayPal among other financial oriented companies and is a computer / technology / accounting expert / Nerd / Genius and has established some of the biggest modern companies in America and the world. Companies that do very big paradigm shifting things in the world and he is supremely qualified to do the job he has been assigned by the president of the United States to do. Like it or him or not.
And Howard Lutnick was the CEO of one of the biggest financial companies in the world. Neither of them lives under a bridge out by the interstate highway which appears to be the qualification preferences of the Democrat party talking head mouth pieces to find the right people to do the job required. They refuse to even recognize there even is a problem!
And if neither Musk or Lutnick had the very unique qualifications that they possess then that would give me concern, but they are both highly qualified. This condition of politics and incompetence has been ongoing within the Political Realm and government and ignored by the media for the last 50 or so years and has delivered us all to this untenable financial Social Security situation that needs fixing by the most qualified among us.
The Liberals in America are a valid American political animal, like it or not. However, take note: The radical, "progressive", Leftist / Marxist, Globalist, authoritarian talking heads that some of them turn into and are among them are your enemy as an American.
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Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 3/24/25
