On election day going through the various news items as I do most days, I came across this inspiring observation and quote from the great political, legal and rabid media Constitutional scholar from the View: Whoopi Goldberg.
Goldberg said to deposed Liz Cheney: “So, you could conceivably be a great AG. And I say this because your moral core is magnificent. And I know you probably don’t want to think about it, but I just feel like I would feel a lot better with you leading the FBI, the CIA, the NBC, MS just everybody. That’s just me. So, I just saying should it be floated, please think about it.”
Cheney said, “We have to get Vice President Kamala Harris elected first.”
And that potential as an American should chill you to the bone.
To me, Whoopi Goldberg (D), rabid, Liberal now Leftist radical Democrat "Constitutional scholar" praising "The Dark Lords" daughter, Liz Cheney (R) is a highly counter intuitive scene that tells you just how desperately the United States needs a more competent Conservative minded and America oriented president in the leadership position in Washington.
President Xi, Putin, Ung and others tensely and with great anticipation wait for the results of today's presidential election results. How successful have the radical Leftists within the Democrat party been?
Enough said on that subject, now we get on to where things seem to be going regarding the 2024 presidential election. I have learned to listen to a few people in the more objective analysis of politics even though I do not always agree with them. And one of those people is Bill O'reilly. He, like some others we know, can be an obnoxious bloviator, but he has a great deal of experience and is correct more than not in my experience on the subject.
Bill O'reilly speaking with Democrat analyst and consultant Doug Shoen: https://youtu.be/PLs9AfGKVzU?si=hmv4v0apGwWZvOqc
And I include a reliable foreign polling service that has been fairly accurate in the past regarding U.S. elections: Atlas Poll US Elections NATIONAL - 29 Oct 2024 (fivethirtyeight.com)
Whatever happens over the next 24 hours, in between, have a nice day :)
Stand by.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 11/5/24

Trump has won, and it looks like it may be the big red wave we have hoped for. Given the margin of victory any demonstrations from the left will get no traction, A lot of "good ol' boys" are going to be disappointed.