In 1517 Martin Luther got ticked off and made a lot of noise when the Catholic church schemed to sell indulgences to the rich in order that they might buy their way into heaven. The church needed the cash flow there were Ottomans about to invade Hungary and war is expensive!
I don't know if selling American citizenship to rich people (fancy goats) who can pay their way in is a really good idea. It might sound good for cash flow and good for the accounting balance sheet. But is it really how you want to build the country of America and its new loyal immigrant citizen base? I understand the concept, and I understand that this president is transactional and seeks to rebalance how the world sees and treats America, and it has its strategic place. But.
But I do not think this is really a great idea, not an appropriate message and policy to transmit. This may need a rethink Mr. President. With all due respect.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 2/25/25
