I spoke with a Trump Derangement Syndrome suffering customer the other day and they reminded me that I said that I supported the funding and supplying the Ukraine during it being invaded by the Russians. Which I generally did agree with at the time, push back hard on Putin and stop his advance, show strength. And that was exactly 3 years ago now (Putin thought it would be 2 or 3 weeks at the most). My customer's position was that "We should not be involved with the Ukraine, its none of our business". OK.
In the Ukraine timeline we had Obama sending Ukraine blankets and the Russians took Crimea. Then we had Trump who sent hundreds of Javelin anti-tank missiles as Putin tested Trump. And the Russians stopped their advance. Then we had good old Joe Biden, the weak political president of the radical "progressive" Left and the Globalists who sent open ended funds and piece meal munitions as Putin amassed 190,000 troops and invaded Ukraine at will. Do you see the pattern here?
Mr. Putin both respects and I suspect fears Mr. Trump and has no respect whatsoever for the weak Leftists in Britain and the E.U. and certainly not the Democrats and wackadoodle "progressives" in America who weaken it.
I then said to my TDS suffering customer: So, you are a strong Trump supporter. Trump wants to end the situation in Ukraine, just like you never wanted to even be there. So, you are in lock step and agree with Trump then. No, no, no they protested! Again, do you see the pattern here?
The Liberals and "progressives" apply convenient logic when it suits them, but they reveal themselves as being uninformed and really childish in their thought process. You cannot have it both ways.
Trump is in the process of disrupting and destroying the existing Washington D.C. and world power paradigm that threatens to destroy us all. And he endeavors to create a new readjusted American based world leadership paradigm foundation. No Globalists need apply.
Mr. Zelenski and Ukraine will be making an accommodation regarding the Russians and their invasion. Unless that is if Britain, Canada and the E.U. get their "STUFF" together and fund, arm and force the Russians back to where they started. You know, after their big "progressive" hug fest at 10 Downing Street the other day.
And that I can assure is highly unlikely to happen given that the group of them are an assembly of paper tigers without any true leadership because they are ALL Liberal, Leftist, "progressive" Socialists in the process of destroying their own countries in service to the Globalist authoritarian agenda. And they as a feckless group are unable to do much of anything without the true leadership of the strong American president and government.
The minds of naive children playing checkers all while 3D international existential chess goes on all around them. If the American Democrats and the Leftists around the world are outraged, you must be doing something right!
Who are you betting on?
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Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 3/4/25
