There come times in the affairs of man (and woman), in the affairs of humanity where those who are most capable seize power and control and do what must be done, they take care of business. And the legendary almost impossible to believe story of how America came to be has its parallels in today's unfolding political reality. And I define this moment in American history as its re-founding.
"Think back 10 or so years and remember how America was not focused on a positive constructive future. More like the debaucherous end of the bread and circus Roman Empire if you ask me. America needed a new perspective. And then came Joe Biden and the radical and politically treasonous "highly educated" and indoctrinated young blood Obama "community organizers" that have inserted themselves into the highest administrative positions within the Democrat party, throughout corporate America and the legal, law and justice system. True believers and "Fellow Travelers" all."
And we have arrived at that moment in time and those who give America and the world the best chance of surviving in a free speech, equal before the law and in opportunity, prosperous world is playing out right before all our eyes.
The original Founders of America found themselves in the exact same circumstances 248 years ago and they did not shrink from what they knew must be done. Even understanding that their failure would cost them ALL their property, freedom and most assuredly their lives at the end of a rope!
And that was plain to see in all of the politically contrived never before seen lawfare that was thrown at the greatest threat to radical authoritarian political power, authoritarian dominance and control in the person of D.J. Trump.
And here we are 248 years in the future and the cycle again has presented the most capable and visionary among Americans their entre to greatness and extending the freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. Freedom from the Subjective, authoritarian, lawfare, flood the country with illegals cynical attempt at taking over America. Our modern version of political treason by aspirational authoritarian tyrants.
The Founders themselves beginning with George Washington who was a towering unique American figure was surrounded by the wealthiest, most brilliant, prosperous and intellectually vibrant and visionary men of the day (all buttressed and inspired by their strong women). Benjamin Franklyn, genius, innovator, inventor, future visionary, diplomat and very wealthy. Thomas Payne, intellectual giant. Thomas Jefferson, same. John Adams renowned legal scholar. It is a long and diverse list.
And here we find ourselves at a crucial and pivotal moment in time where America has chosen its leadership, and the parallels are very clear to me. Donald J. Trump, Elon Musk, Viveck Ramaswamy, J.D. Vance et. etc, American re-founders all. And they are supported by the majority mass of Americans who have arrived at the same perspective and conclusions. A very similar cast of characters to the original Founders of America at the right time and in the right place.
Now do you see my point? The wealthiest, the most successful, the brightest, the most visionary. Those who understand what America is fundamentally, Objectively actually about and not what they Subjectively want it to be about.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 12/22/24