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Their version of Democracy, their version of what America is. Today's radical "progressive" Democrats, and they without doubt are radical, un and anti-American, authoritarian and Leftist.

Today's Democrats: Are like a person with no teeth that tells you you are not allowed to eat steak. You according to them must eat like you also do not have teeth. "But I want to eat steak!"

That is what "equity" and "equality" means to the radical "progressive" Leftist un and anti-American Democrats are and represent today.

And so, what does that make the Democrat candidate for president in 2024 who is very CLEARLY as an individual not in any way qualified, who herself openly identifies with being "woke" and being "radical"? Then what does that make anyone who supports her?

You are what you eat.

There are IMO only two viable options for any traditionally oriented actual American Democrat this year. Not vote Democrat OR stay home.

Your ignorance of American history and the nature of man and politics is no excuse.

Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 10/22/24

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