Congressman Jim Jordan defending Elon Musks D.O.G.E. activities 5 min.
The government and those formerly in control of it (D) strategically and with intent and agenda paid $517,000.00 for 37 subscriptions to POLITICO.
That results in a cost of $13,972.00 per subscription. That does seem a bit high to me. The implications? NOT GOOD! (Are you beginning to understand how all of this works now?)
( is accessible without subscription. POLITICO's newspaper is available for free in locations throughout Washington. Domestic subscriptions are $200 for one year and $350 for two years. Overseas subscriptions are $600 per year. To subscribe, please sign up online or call 866-504-4251.)
Politico is IMO much more than Left of center in their treatment of the reporting of the goings on in Washington D.C., the country and the American culture.
Now does anyone think that the government working closely with and essentially subsidizing / financing a much more than Left of center media company reporting government / political related policies, opinions and stories may be a problem? And funneling drip by drip those skewed more Left of center opinions and stories into the minds of many in the public realm looking for a cause or direction.

Many sources of funding have been created within government supporting and acting in the interests of the much more than Left of center oriented perspective government behemoth and a particular political radical "progressive" perspective.
Let's allow Mr. Musk to continue doing what he is particularly and uniquely expert and qualified at doing, finding massive waste and corruption within gigantic organizations. He owns 7 of them.
Why Musk? He is an expert in big things and big think: short
Every reasonable, common sense and patriotic American both middle Left and middle Right in the long term depend on such auditing activities, rare as they may be.
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 2/12/25
