If you were unsure about why the Trump administration was highly focused on disassembling the United States Department of Education, I think this short video of a Wisconsin meeting on education reveals what the American education system has actually accomplished since it was instituted. In my opinion the system poses a direct threat to American security and freedom.
Wisconsin public hearing on education: https://youtu.be/4ApKwUU5pdg?si=Mn44MY5gAXLVYyuS 2 minutes
What exactly do we see here? I see an individual, who I have no problem with being differently oriented, not for one second. God / The Creator does not make mistakes it makes interesting adjustments and that is partly what makes life interesting. Human beings in this process however can become confused, self-absorbed and manipulated as to what is acceptable and best for themselves and society as a whole. And these manipulations are a function of politics in search of power and control. Understand that nature here: WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON: STRATEGY OVER MORALITY
He / She / They are a human being and have the Right to live their lives the way they choose. BUT.
And the necessity of that sentence structure above is a result of the evolution that has been realized within our society and culture and is the product of our American education system at large. People can live in the Subjective way that they choose but when they insist that their Subjective personal perspective MUST be adhered to by all of those who surround them or else. Then that is a signal that they have become unable to correctly think in a broad manner that includes not only themselves but the larger world in which they are immersed and live.
Our American education system culture has produced over time individuals in the medical, education, psychological and governmental disciplines who have formulated these outside of the greater norm more unusual perspectives. And they as a group demand you (And your children) as a member of that greater norm must adhere to their outside of the greater norm mandated thinking and behavior minority perspective. That is not reasonable, life is not always fair or equitable you must make the best of it as you can.
Choose to understand others Subjective perspectives even if they are differently oriented and unusual and draw reasonable lines to generally live within and foster mutual respect.
That goes for both sides of the equation. Without that realization and that Objective mutual respect then there can be no positive movement into the future, there can only be chaos, contention and Cognitive Dissonance.
(Cognitive dissonance is a theory in social psychology that refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a person’s behaviors and beliefs do not align. It may also happen when a person holds two beliefs that contradict one another. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.)
There are those within the Political Realm who cannot and will not allow such rational behavior because that does not serve their quest for political power and control.
The only way to make progress is to understand things in a most cold and most Objective rational manner and not such a narrow Subjective manner.
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Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 3/21/25
