Hollywood: "The Dead Zone": The baby scene :https://youtu.be/zcZJF81jt4w?si=BW9r9MCUAiCll3zo 2 min. (Was the actor Martin Sheen (D) type cast?)
Reality: Trump rally, Butler, PA: The real attempted assassination: https://youtu.be/NsfMPTiIuvY?si=O6sEztAXU4ueQ2pA 39 sec.
Is it sometimes that life parallels art, or is it art that parallels life?
And sometimes under real life-threatening circumstances and when real bullets are flying, when death is in the air. That is when you better understand the difference between Hollywood fantasy, political spin and reality and what someone is actually made of. No muss no fuss.
You just cannot make this up, it all happened live and in living color.
Elon Musk comments on Trump being shot: https://youtu.be/76Hc90xdTWQ?si=_hgCoxtHk1xbUG_o
Are you paying attention yet America? JGL 7/24/24